Pond Fest: Concert for a Cause
Pond Fest 2024 at Lums Pond State Park. 11/10 from noon to 4PM. Come enjoy live music, food, beer, crafts and family fun! This fundraiser will support installing the first ever bike repair station in the park and scholarships for field trips.
Facebook Event
Volunteers Needed
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Pond Fest! The plans are well under way and we have a great group of committee members with amazing ideas! BUT we are in need of several volunteers! Please consider volunteering for a couple hours at Pond Fest! If you can spare some time that day, please email pondfest@friendsoflumspond.org to let us know! We would love to have you!
Thank you for supporting the success of Pond Fest! We have many ways you can help. If you are interested in sponsoring the event, donating raffle baskets, providing a service at Pond Fest, or have other ideas, we would love to talk more! Please reach out to pondfest@friendsoflumspond.org to join us!
Vendors & Information Tables
Pond Fest is seeking artisans, vendors, community resources and informational booths! For more information, please complete the 2024 Pond Fest Vendor Application.